What is SEO


how does it really work?

Search engines have evolved over the years and during the early days of the internet many of them were nothing more than simple databases but now search engines such as Google use sophisticated algorithms, AI and machine learning to process data and ultimately provide their users with the best possible results.

There are hundreds of signals that Google use to determine exactly where a website should rank for any given search query but it really distills down to the following 3 areas


How good your website is from a technical perspective


The quality and relevancy of the content on your website


External factors to measure the popularity of your website such as the volume of high-quality backlinks

Although Google is extremely secretive about how their algorithm works and doesn’t usually reveal exactly how to get your website to rank well, through experimentation, experience and sharing of knowledge, a good SEO professional can dramatically increase the likelihood that your website will rank well on the search engine result pages.


For the most part, the principles of SEO remain the same regardless of the size of the business.  However, when it comes to ranking for local search terms there are often certain intricacies that you must be aware of.  For example, a well-optimised Google My Business listing is particularly important for brick and mortar businesses.

Although I have worked with large retailers with over 150 locations UK wide to improve their local search presence, I have also helped small Glasgow based businesses implement strategies to first of call capture, and retain customers by implementing the same strategies.


When you are competing at a national or international level then there are extra considerations that need to be made and experience in implementing largescale SEO strategies becomes very important.

It goes without saying that competing on this level can often be more challenging due to the level of competition.  I am able to provide consultancy, help you build the right in-house team or fully manage your SEO strategy to ensure that your business is given the best chance of success.  Often, for large businesses, a hybrid approach works best.

Here are a few examples of the type of projects I am most suited to:

Large eCommerce businesses that need a review of their SEO or PPC strategy. I’ve been able to help business in the past to refine their online marketing campaign to improve growth while also reducing advertising spend


A local business such as a dentist, restaurant, lawyers or vet that wish to extend their reach and increase their local customer base. I’ve been successful in helping local companies increase their customer base and improve customer retention rates

E-commerce businesses that feel that they are not capturing enough of the market and need advice

Technical audits and SEO strategy advice for large websites

Businesses such as pharmacies, dentists and vets that have a niche product offering and would like to market their business online


Replaced agency contracts with in-house personnel and drastically improved performance while also reducing spend for a large PLC



Things to consider before choosing an SEO agency or consultant

  • SEO is a complex process and nobody can guarantee page 1 rankings
  • There is an element of risk involved.  For example, if techniques are used that causes your website to fall foul of Google’s Penguin algorithm there is chance that your rankings could suffer for a long period of time
  • Choosing the right agency or consultant will minimise any risk involved
  • SEO can be expensive, and even if you do rank better, there is no guarantee that visitors to your site will become paying customers
  • There are often quick wins to be had when it comes to SEO but  I would advise investing in carrying out a test campaign using PPC marketing before committing to a lengthy SEO contract


    Feel free to contact me via my social media profiles
